
Raspbian setup with username and password

Raspberry has changed the Raspbian default login password.

So now you have to manually set the password during the initial setup or have to use keyboard and monitor to get access.

Now lets see how we can setup Raspbian without using external keyboard and mouse.

Fash Raspbian:

Download Raspbian from here

Use BalenaEtcher to flash your desired raspbian lite image.

Configure ssh, username and password:

  • ssh:

    Create a file called ssh in the boot directory of the sd card.

  • username and password:

    Create a file called userconf and inside that file insert

    username:encrypted- password 

    To generate encrypted password in linux:

    echo 'mypassword' | openssl passwd -6 -stdin

    Save the file, safely unmount the sd-card.

    Put it in the raspberry pi, power the board and enjoy.


You have successfully setup the raspbian with your desired username and password.